KOHANA –  The MUSE of Curious, Creative and Adventurous Energy.


Cape Narooma is a place of inspiration, which is filled with curious, creative and adventurous minds. A place where daydreamers develop unique ideas, explorers capture the most astonishing places and musicians create tunes that never leave your ear. 



Whatever causes that tingling sensation in your fingertips and leaves you restless, it is inspiration to someone else out there and worth sharing. 

Cape Narooma lives through the spirits who let themselves be led by their own sensation.


Whatever causes that tingling sensation in your fingertips and leaves you restless, it is inspiration to someone else out there and worth sharing. 

Cape Narooma lives through the spirits who let themselves be led by their own sensation.


Furthermore it is about telling your story and listening closely to the ones of others, because we all grow from experiencing different perspectives.

Kohana is the inspiration and urge within those creating minds and fuels the need to create. She is the muse of curious, creative and adventurous energy.  

Cape Narooma – for the curious, creative and adventurous.


Furthermore it is about telling your story and listening closely to the ones of others, because we all grow from experiencing different perspectives.

Kohana is the inspiration and urge within those creating minds and fuels the need to create. She is the muse of curious, creative and adventurous energy.  

Cape Narooma – for the curious, creative and adventurous.